Friday, June 19, 2009

How to use an Ipod Without Itunes

Many people find using their ipod a hassle. It's not usually the ipod itself that causes the problem, but the reliance on the software known as Itunes. Many complain that they bought an ipod to be an MP3 player and then they can't use it as one, finding it hard to transfer songs from the PC to the IPOD and Itunes mad desire to "Sync" their Ipod, causing them to lose their songs. Others complain that if they had a PC crash or whatever, that all their music is on their IPOD and that they now can't get it off.

The Solution to your Problems is here,
The answer is SharePod
go to
And download the program, it can be run on your PC without install, or apparently on your ipod too.
Sharepod means no more itunes
You can
-Edit playlists (Like On Itunes)
-Delete Individual tracks (and many) Off your Ipod
-Add Individual Tracks (And Many) onto your ipod
-Customise the songs, set album art to each song, change the name of the song and artist year, whatever (You can do this without an ipod too, for normal songs on your PC with a program called MP3Tag)
- Take individual tracks (or many) off your ipod and onto your PC
For an Iphone/Ipod touch you need Itunes installed but not for any others to use it, just make sure the Ipods plugged in to your PC

So there you have it, the answer to many an Ipod Users problems, I was put off buying an Ipod by the features that itunes didn't have but if my PSP breaks, I might get an ipod instead